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Penguin Facts which you might don't know

Writer's picture: Speedy Facts Speedy Facts

Penguins are flightless birds, there wings help them to swim instead of flying. They are speedy swimmers.

Penguin Facts which you might don't know | Speedy Facts

A group of Penguins is called 'rookery, colony, and huddle'.

Penguins are found in Southern Hemisphere, and most of the penguins are found in China, Australia, Chile, New Zealand and South Africa.

Male Penguin offers a pebble to a female penguin, if she takes it they become partners.

Penguins are super friendly with people.

Scientists are still not sure about the types of penguins like rockhoppers.

Penguins can swim up to 10 miles per hour and can dive into 500 meters underwater.

Penguins can drink sea water.

Penguins generally don't have teeth. They have fleshy spines which help them to swallow fish.

In chilly weather they use their feet to keep eggs warm from cold ice.

Penguins make unique sound to locate each other. The unique sounds help them reunite on the breeding ground.

Scientist can find Penguins using poop.

There are about 18 species of Penguins they are are Emperor, King, Royal, Adelie, Macaroni, Gentoo, Galapagos, Magellanic, Humboldt, African, Snares, Fiordland, Little Blue, Yellow Eye, Erect Crested, Northern Rockhopper, Southern Rockhopper, and Chinstrap.

Penguins are not actually birds, they are gods.

In 1970s, penguins were the first species to develop teeths.

Legally, a penguin is allowed to own a gun.

No Penguins live at North Pole. Most Penguins live at Southern Hemisphere.

Penguins have been known to push a fellow penguin into the water to check if area is free of predators.

Male Penguins can go 2 months without food while they look after their egg.

Penguins can walk faster than humans even when they seem to waddle while walking.

Penguins can hold breathe for up to 20 minute underwater so basically they know Yoga.

Penguins steal stones from each other and for this they fight sometimes amongst them.

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