You can't buy love but to you have to pay hard for it.
Exam time is the time where people become innovative, creative and starts thinking about future.
Your thumb is the same length of your nose.
Our language is know as the mother tongue because a father never gets a chance to speak.
You can't count the number of your hairs. But wait there is an Alabama man who actually counted his hair for 90 straight days.
Shoes are the first thing that people notices about you.
Drinking a cold glass of water can wake you faster than a cup of hot coffee.
No one can touch all its teeth.
You just tried right now! : D
Helping someone always gives you the inner happiness. So if you're unhappy just go and help someone needy.
Women's are divided by ego and united by Gossips and Men's are divided by women and united by liquor.
Smelling bananas or apples can help you to loose weight.
Before sleeping, 93% of your brain starts imaging things which you would like to happen.
It's illegal to be fat in Japan.
The continents can be rearranged in the to form the shape of a chicken.
Human brain spends 70% time in replaying past memories.
Bill Gates appoints lazy person to do job because they can find easiest way to complete it.