Penguins make unique sound to locate each other. The unique sounds help them reunite on the breeding ground.
Sheep have good memories, they can remember 50 individual sheep or humans for years.
Lions mark their territory by urinating on plants. They will kill any other Lion or Animal coming in their area.
Three dogs survived the Titanic sinking in 1912. Two Pomeranians and 1 Pekingese - all from First Class cabins.
Male peacocks begin to grow their colorful tails only after they are about three years old.
A punch from Tiger's front hand is enough to kill a person or animal, or at least break one's bones.
When Pandas are born they are blind and of pink color. The iconic black and white color comes later, after about three weeks. Not all giant pandas are black and white. A few are brown and white, but these are very rare.
Crocodiles are cold blooded animals due to this they cannot generate heat on their own. To generate heat they go into a period of long sleep until the weather heats up again.
A camel’s nostrils are amazing. They retain water vapor which can be returned to the body when necessary, but they can also be closed if there is too much sand or wind blowing.
Not all snakes lay eggs. Approximately 70% of snakes lay eggs and rest don't. snakes living in colder climates have live births because the eggs won't survive outside.
Sheep are one of the most destructive creatures on the planet. Sheep are intelligent, with impressive memory and recognition skills.
Male Penguin offers a pebble to a female penguin, if she takes it they become partners. Penguins are super friendly with people.
Lions pretend to be hurt by the bites of their young to encourage them.
In the Hindu religion, Peacocks are sacred birds. Lord Krishna associated with these birds.
Pythons kill their prey by tightly wrapping around it and suffocating it in a process called constriction.
Panda spend most of their time alone in peace, resting, feeding and searching for food like bamboo. Pandas love playing hide and seek.