Humans are the only animals that blush.
People who laugh more are able to tolerate both physical and emotional pain.
Human brain spends 70% time in replaying past memories.
North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can't buy Coca Cola
Carrots are bad for Rabbits.
A dead person can get goosebumps.
A person cannot taste the food until it is mixed with saliva.
Negative emotions such as anxiety and depression can weaken your immune system.
It takes 8 minutes 20 seconds for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth.
Antarctica has no native population.
Every drop of seawater contains approx. 1 billion gold atoms.
Exercise increases your intelligence.
A bolt of lightening is about six times hotter than sun.
Smelling bananas or green apples can help you to loose weight.
The air is your chips bag isn't oxygen it's nitrogen so that your chips don't stale.
Snails takes the longest naps.
Marriage is the number one cause for divorce.
98% times when people say they have to ask you a question you tend to remember all bad things.
In 5000 years of humans history, only one disease has been eradicated i.e. Small pox.
A regular pencil has enough lead to draw a 56km long line.
If you announce your goals to others you are less likely to be succeed.
Cows do have best friends and become stressed when they are separated.
A Tsunami Wave can travel the speed of a jet.
India is the most diverse country in the world culturally, economically, climatically, racially, ethnically and religiously.
If you look into the mirror you will find your competition.